Monday - Friday9AM - 5PM
Suite 301, 3007 14th St. SWCalgary, AB, T2T 3V6

Vampire Wing Lift® - Jennifer Adams MD FRCSC

Labial Puffing

Vampire Wing Lift®

The Vampire Wing Lift is a technique developed by Dr. Charles Runels that uses both hyaluronic acid filler and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) to plump, ‘fluff’ or give more fullness to the labia majora (‘wings’ of the outer vagina). The increased volume helps to correct the issue of deflated and loosened skin in the area, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

PRP contains growth factors and cytokines that promote tissue healing and nerve regeneration as well as increase blood flow and the strength of tissues. Hyaluronic acid filler restores volume. The combination of the two products stimulate a tissue-building response, including the production of collagen, fatty tissue and blood vessels.


How Is the Procedure Done?

Approximately 20 cc (two vials) of blood is taken from your arm and then spun down with a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the PRP. The obtained PRP is then drawn up and mixed with hyaluronic acid. After numbing the area with both a numbing cream and local anesthetic, the combination is then injected into the labia majora

How Many Treatments do I Need?

Each treatment lasts on average 9-12 months, depending on your skin type and how quickly your body absorbs the product. Patients can expect initial swelling/fullness for 2-3 days after the treatment, which will then settle. It can then take up to 2-3 months to notice the full effect of your Vampire Wing Lift, as that is the average length of time for cellular turnover.

Does it hurt/is there any downtime?

Patients may notice mild pain and sensitivity in the treated area, as well as swelling and mild bruising. We recommend avoiding sexual relations/intercourse as well as anything with direct pressure on the labia (eg. stationary bike, horse-back riding) for at least 3-5 days following the procedure.

We recommend avoiding Advil/Ibuprofen/Motrin/Aleve/Aspirin for 7-10 days prior to and following your Vampire Wing Lift to minimize your chances of bruising and to maximize your result. If you are taking one of these medications regularly for a medical condition, kindly discuss this with Dr. Adams prior to your procedure.
Reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you!
Suite 301, 3007 14th St. SW, Calgary, AB, T2T 3V6
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Reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you!
Suite 301, 3007 14th St. SW, Calgary, AB, T2T 3V6
PATIENT PORTALMake an Appointment
Let us know if you'd prefer a Telephone, Virtual, or In-Person Consultation.
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©2023 Dr. Jennifer Adams. Designed by Spark Medical Marketing.

©2023 Dr. Jennifer Adams. Designed by Spark Medical Marketing.